Friday, August 27, 2010

Road Rage

You may complain about traffic in the U.S., but it is nothing compared to Vietnam.  Generally speaking, much of Asia is the same way.  Let's face it, crazy drivers are everywhere.  But in Asian countries it is controlled chaos (a high art form).  This is why Americans should not drive here.  We simply do not understand why others cannot follow "our" customs - as if we wrote the rule book on driving!  For example, tooting your horn in Asia means "look out, I'm coming."  In America, it means "get out of my way or you will be sorry."  I have not seen any road rage, mainly because drivers know it is crowded and ust share.  Americans have a tendency to get mad, due to selfish reasons.  For example, I have been inside a taxi when it was bumped from behind and the driver did not get upset.  Interesting.  Watch the videos and you will start to ounderstand what I'm talking about.  p.s.  Try not to let your blood pressure rise. 



  1. It looks like a bike racing. Did you bring your helmet? Haha. Be careful.

  2. Wow Mark! Looks crazy! Mayor Hindman would like it though--all the bikes and the roundabouts. No stress in our neck of the woods. I biked 15 miles on Highway EE here today and waved at a couple of neighbors who were standing in the middle of the highway talking. Just remember your Lamaze classes and you'll do just fine!

  3. Yep, they called them "go slow's" in Nigeria! It looked to be raining in your video; interesting that there were still so many folks riding bikes, mopeds, and motorcycles!

  4. You've got interesting points, which I actually appreciate. It reminds me of China. Are you sure you are not in China?

