Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fishing for Tourists

Fishing and culture are very interesting, but nothing is better than cultural fishing. This is why I like catfish noodling, paddlefish snagging, and sucker gigging so much. I guess you could say fishing with a purpose, or better still, purpose-driven fishing.

I've not had the opportunity to participate in any cultural fishing activities in Vietnam until recently. Here's how it happened.  A few weeks ago my Dept. Head at VNU asked if I would go to Ha Long Bay and teach a class at another campus. Sure, why not? The topic was promoting tourism at floating fishing villages.  Bingo!  This was a perfect assignment and she didn't even know I liked to fish!

It's hard to believe, but some people live in floating houses at Ha Long Bay all year round.  Many of the villagers only come to shore once a week for groceries and other merchandise.  Although they fish for a living, its a meager existence.  This is why they are looking for additional sources of income. Recently they started fishing for tourists, but needed some help. I was interested and available.  :)

So I asked the tour guide if I could go fishing with some local villagers.  No one had ever made this request before.  We pull-up beside a small boat and ask if I could join.  Sure thing.  I had a great time and gave the couple a $5 tip for the privilege of fishing with them.  I told the tour guide this would be a good strategy to hook the "big fish" (Western visitors).  Based on my enthusiasm, he wants to create a new tourism product at the bay - cultural fishing. That made me feel really good. It was a win-win situtaion. Talk about fishing with a purpose!



  1. It's really really interesting to see you photo and video.
    Hopefully, you could catch more fishes next time.
    Your guide - Linh

  2. Your favorite skyping partnerNovember 11, 2010 at 6:11 PM

    How many of those fish would you have to have in order to have a meal? This looks as if it were ANOTHER one of those TOUGH assignments you have over there (lol). I know.........someone has to do it, right?

  3. They're showing you how they fish, you should show them how to noodle.

  4. Are the floating houses moving? It's beautiful scenery.

  5. Looks like u having fun. Is this fishing in china? What doing 4 thanksgiving? How was thailand/maylasia?

  6. The houses are tied to the shoreline by a rope. They are floating, but tethered. Fishing in Vietnam, not China, but it is probably similar.

  7. How are you going, prof? Have you ever fished more since last time in Halong bay? Where are you now, Hanoi? I would like to have drink with you if you are here.

  8. fishing tour in halong in the summer or autum seems so great for me and tourists. the summer will come in few months so I am sure there are more tourists joy it.
